Departments & Offices

Academic Departments

AVID 8 Staff
BSAP 1 Staff
CTE/ROP 7 Staff
English 10 Staff
Health 6 Staff
ICAP at LA High 6 Staff
Journalism 5 Staff
JROTC 7 Staff
Leadership 6 Staff
Mathematics 11 Staff
MESA/Robotics 4 Staff
Phoenix Academy 6 Staff
Publications 5 Staff
Science 12 Staff
Social Studies 12 Staff
STEAM Magnet 18 Staff
Visual Arts 5 Staff
Yearbook 5 Staff

Educational Support Departments

Administration 6 Staff
Counseling 13 Staff
ESL Office 5 Staff
Healthy Start 5 Staff
Main Office 6 Staff
Parent Center 8 Staff
Public Safety 5 Staff
Student Store 5 Staff
Testing 7 Staff
Title I 6 Staff
Upward Bound 6 Staff

Athletic Departments

Baseball 5 Staff
Basketball Boys 5 Staff
Cheerleading 5 Staff
Cross Country 5 Staff
Football 5 Staff
Soccer Boys 6 Staff
Soccer Girls 5 Staff
Softball 5 Staff
Swimming 5 Staff
Tennis Boys 6 Staff
Tennis Girls 6 Staff
Track and Field 5 Staff
Volleyball 6 Staff
Volleyball Boys 6 Staff
Waterpolo Boys 5 Staff
Waterpolo Girls 5 Staff

Clubs and Activities

ARC 6 Staff
AVID Club 8 Staff
Band & Music 6 Staff
Cinema Club 5 Staff
Debate Club 5 Staff
Decatholon 5 Staff
Journalism 6 Staff
JROTC 6 Staff
Junior Council 6 Staff
MESA / Robotics 7 Staff
Publications 6 Staff
Robotics 6 Staff
Senior Council 9 Staff
Teen Court 5 Staff

Maintenance Departments

Staff 6 Staff


Alumni Portal 5 Staff
ASB Leadership 7 Staff
Baseball 5 Staff
Boys Basketball 5 Staff
Contact Us 5 Staff
Logo 5 Staff
Parent Portal 8 Staff
Passport 5 Staff
Social Media 6 Staff
Softball 5 Staff
Staff Portal 6 Staff
Student Portal 7 Staff
The Playbook 5 Staff
Title1/SSC 1 Staff
WASC 6 Staff
Work Permit 5 Staff