9th & 10th Grade Check List
9th Grade
- Meet your high school academic and college counselors
- Share your schedule and 4- year high school plan with your parent
- Join a club/extra-curricular activity/sport
- Develop your long-term and short-term goals
- Create your college board account and link Khan Academy account
- Begin practicing for the PSAT
- Attend a campus College Field Trip
- Take a Career and Interest Assessment via Naviance
- Seek participation in Upward Bound, ETS or Trio programs on campus
- Consider taking a community college course during your free time
10th Grade
- Take an AP Course
- Begin researching college admissions requirements using Naviance and online resources
- Take the PSAT
- Continue participation in clubs/extra-curricular activities/sports
- Take upon leadership positions on campus or within the community
- Visit colleges and universities
- Maintain above average grades. Universities calculate your GPA 10th -11th grade for admittance. Dās are not accepted.
- Continue taking community college courses during your free time in addition to seeking out volunteer or internship opportunities.
- Continue participation in Upward Bound, ETS or Trio Programs.