SALEF Chapter Club:

See you on Fridays for our weekly meeting.  Time: 3 pm Sponsors Mr. Pineda and Mrs. Mendoza

We meet on Fridays at 3 for now. See you there. The flyer will send you to a link that will explain our club. 

Zoom link:

our schoology acess code

Access Code

Creator: Charlie Cea, 10th grader
Our mission:

SALEF’s mission is to promote the civic participation and representation of the Salvadoran and other Latino communities in the U.S., promote the economic development and democracy in El Salvador, as well as to advocate for its economic, educational, and political advancement and growth.

SALEF promotes giving back to our communities, thus scholarship recipients are expected to complete community service hours and receipt of the scholarship award is dependent on completion of their pledge.

Throughout the years, we have brought awareness to the Latino community of the importance of becoming naturalized citizens. It is vital to increase the Latino voice in the political and electoral process.