Alumni Association » About us

About us

Los Angeles High School Alumni Association, a California, tax-exempt, not-for-profit corporation, was founded in 1881 by the school's first graduates.  It is the owner and exclusive licensee of the name Los Angeles High School Alumni Association.  It was founded with the mission of maintaining through alumni fellowship the emerging ideals and aspirations of what was to become known to students who experienced it as “The Spirit of the Hill.”

Over the years, the fellowship grew to be an important social networking  organization and a principal donor of facilities and resources to students and alumni of  Los Angeles High School. 

Following WWI, the Alumni Association partnered with the student body to raise funds to purchase the land across the street from the school for a park in memorium to fallen schoolmates of the Great War.  After being donated to the citizens of Los Angeles, it officially bears the name “Los Angeles High School Memorial Park.”  Over the years, it has served as a Senior Park and the site of a City Library containing a stained glass window in which are inscribed the names of the fallen alumni to whose sacrifice the park is dedicated.  The Alumni Association continues to donate to the park and to supervise the maintenance of its historic memorial glass window, memorial arboretum and other tributes.

Following WWII, the Alumni Association resolved to emulate the precedent set by the Memorial Park and called for the raising of funds to build a War Memorial Hall in memory of those who had given their lives in this just concluded “war to end wars.” Thus the Alumni Association’s War Memorial was constructed.

As the oldest surviving institution associated with Los Angeles High School, with roots going back to its very first graduates, the Alumni Association is the only legally established and government recognized entity specifically dedicated to providing information, protective services and support in behalf of the lore and legacy of  Los Angeles High School.

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