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Instructional Strategies

Oracy in the Classroom: Strategies for Effective Talk

Discussion guidelines:
  • Always respect each other's ideas.
  • Be prepared to change your mind.
  • Come to a shared agreement.
  • Clarify, challenge, summarize, and build on each other's ideas.
  • Invite someone to contribute by asking a question.
  • Show proof of listening.
Discussion roles:
For additional helpful ideas, go to Edutopia and read the entire article.


Research-Based Instructional Strategies

SOURCE: Dennis Fox, (2014) Observation: Ensuring quality instructional strategies, Leadership, 43(4) 29.
Three important stages of the lesson are:
  1.           Opening the Lesson    
  2.           Delivering the Lesson
  3.           Closing the Lesson    
1. Opening the Lesson
  • Activates students' prior knowledge, as related to the learning goal
  • Identifies a clear learning goal
  • Engages and motivates students for the targeted learning
  • Establishes the relevance and importance of the targeted learning
  • Provides advance organizers for the targeted learning
2. Delivering the Lesson (Transmitting Declarative and Procedural Knowledge)
  • Adjusts instruction based on student learning
  • Aligns curriculum, instruction and assessment to the learning goal
  • Asks higher-level thinking questions
  • Assigns tasks that require student interaction and/or collaborative learning
  • Checks for understanding and monitors learning
  • Gives students time to think before answering questions
  • Provides frequent feedback to students
  • Provides opportunities for guided and independent practice
  • Provides opportunities for student to reflect on and/or summarize their learning
  • Scaffolds complex concepts and processes into manageable "chunks"
  • Uses a variety of instructional strategies to engage all students
3. Closing the lesson
  • Acknowledges students' effort and achievement, as related to the learning goal
  • Assesses students' learning, as related to the learning goal
  • Provides an opportunity for students to reflect on and/or summarize their learning, as related to the learning goal
  • Reviews the lesson's learning goal