Real LA High » I miss LA High.

I miss LA High.

Posted On 2010-09-15
Year 2010
Memoir College is awesome! Yet, there's no place like home, which would be LA High. I miss high school so much! I'm missing all my friends and teachers! I had such a great time and would give up cash if I had to just to go back in time for an awesome roman day! Yes, college there is so much to do and fun but it was just funner knowing you could not do your homework and beg to get away with it the next day. Things change after a while, adulthood kicks in and it sucks! If you happen to be in high school and reading this Enjoy the time while you have it! If your a senior do what ever you can while you can! Enjoy what you have now, once college hits and you become a full time student, part time employee, on top of homework, bills, and reports to do, you'll miss the sleep and fun you had. Well, in conclusion, LA high was my home, I miss it more than words could describe.

CLASS OF 2010 :]

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